Real Quick, SPOILERS

It was awesome to see the previously-harnessed-Americans (or in Ben’s case, previously-harnessed-Canadian) so-called superpowers used to do something other than swim across the river or hear engines. The take down of Hal was a pivotal moment in Ben’s arc!

Keep the Resistance Strong!

~ by The Falling Skies Blog on July 16, 2012.

2 Responses to “Real Quick, SPOILERS”

  1. Oh boy, I win an internet! Pope and Anthony are NOT married and Karen and Ben DID kiss! lololol (Sorry, had to. Considering to introduce Rawhide Kid-Ben in my next installment of “A Fistful of Skitters” to ease your pain.)

  2. Watch this week’s “2nd Watch” it’s pretty funny, Connor Jessup didn’t know Jessy was going to kiss him!

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